Be smart! Ride your bike to St. Patrick’s Day!

Bogata has Ciclovia, Atlanta has Streets Alive! and we have St. Patrick’s Day, a time when Savannah’s streets are closed to cars (except those carrying dignitaries), at least while the parade is in process.

If you are heading downtown to join in the festivities, do yourself a favor and go by bike. Driving a car into downtown and trying find parking on Savannah’s most famous holiday — and, really, anytime between now and Sunday night — is a fool’s errand.

If you are planning to ride your bike on the big day, make sure to bring lights, in case you stay out later than you thought you would, and your lock to protect your bike from mischief. And, of course, wear a helmet and stay alert for impaired, distracted and aggressive drivers. If you need extra bikes for guests, SBC business members Savannah on Wheels and Perry Rubber Bike Shop offer rentals. Don’t wait until it’s too late, reserve your bikes in advance.

Stay safe, enjoy the parade and have a happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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