Cycle Social Routes

Looking for a new route to ride? Click on each image to view one of our routes! 

Route is approximately 6 miles.

Route is approximately 5 miles.

Route is approximately 6 miles.

Route is approximately 5 miles.

Route is approximately 6 miles.

Route is approximately 5 miles.

Route is approximately 4 miles and connects neighborhood residents to the nearby JEA.

Route is approximately 7 miles and includes 3 miles on the beach. Be prepared with wide tires. Route can be reversed before going on the beach for all on-street riding or skating.

Route is approximately 6 miles

Route is approximately 5.5 miles

Route is approximately 8 miles

Route is approximately 6.5 miles

Bike Walk Savannah and the sponsors of our map and routes do not warrant the safety of any routes shown. It is the responsibility of each bicyclist to take proper precautions when riding, such as obeying traffic regulations, being visible, wearing a helmet and using caution in traffic and near pedestrians.
The content of these routes has been based on information available at the time of planning only, and it does not reflect any future changes that may occur to routes and road surfaces.