Advocacy Opportunity: NewZO to be voted on July 18

On Thursday, July 18, the proposed New Zoning Ordinance (NewZO) will go before City Council for adoption. Our current ordinance was adopted in 1960. The NewZO is more efficient, more transparent, and is more consistent both with today’s development patterns and our vision for future growth as expressed in the Comprehensive and Strategic Plans.

NewZo supports a more bikeable and walkable Savannah by promoting a healthy built environment. Please join us in supporting this critical update by contacting City Council. Email or call your representatives today and ask them to adopt NewZO on July 18.

To promote thriving neighborhoods, NewZO must promote mixed-use, promote diverse housing types and appropriate housing density, create a connected street network for all users by making Complete Streets our standard, and promote small scale development to support neighborhood stability and character. READ MORE HERE

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