Victory Drive Cooridor Study seeks input from public

Victory Drive Corridor StudyThe Victory Drive Corridor Study focuses on the preservation and restoration of the historic, commemorative landscape and incorporates contemporary, complete streets solutions while balancing the need for continued mobility.

Study documents may be viewed on the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization website. Comments may be submitted online or via email. The deadline for submitting is Nov. 21

For more information, email Denise Grabowski, project manager. The Victory Drive Corridor Study is conducted by the Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission on behalf of the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization.

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1 Comment

  1. First I will reiterate what the Baldwin Park Neighborhood Association provided at the November 7 meeting (I am the President of the Association). The Association is most concerned about traffic speed and the safety of pedestrians. We especially want improvements in the pedestrian crossing at Atlantic Mall. Also of concern is maintaining the historic nature of the roadway. The Association has just formed a committee to be involved more closely in the corridor study.

    Two additional concerns that I will add as an individual. I want to see a way to preserve the historic structures/mansions along the Baldwin Park section of the road. I want them to remain in single ownership, but with options for a bed and breakfast. I do not want to see them converted into multiple units. Families along the road are currently having difficulty selling their property. Second, we need to make this route bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Currently the sidewalks are sloping and shifting, and are dangerous to walkers, runners, and bikers. This route is a significant west-east corridor for bikes and pedestrians.

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