Weekend preview (Veer tonight, 2W2W tomorrow and ride Saturday)!

Let this be a reminder to all of you happy Campaigners that spring is on the way, and with it more and more bike events. This weekend in particular is a busy one starting tonight, Thursday March 4 at River Club at 3 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, where bicycle culture film Veer will be screened at 9pm as part of the Spoked bike arts festival.

Don’t stay up too late, though, because Friday morning, March 5, 2Wheels 2Work rides again from Habersham Village at 8am. Join us anywhere along the way or at our Davant Park finish for Jittery Joe’s coffee and be entered in a free drawing for a cruiser courtesy Quality Bike Shop and McKee Court Reporting.

Last but not least, Savannah Wheelie rolls Saturday at 2pm from the Spoked expo, which will also include bike contests and demonstrations from 12-6pm. Join us at the Starland parking lot at Whitaker and 40th to check it out!