If you can make it, we need your help tomorrow — Thursday at 9:30am at the Chatham County Commission meeting at 124 Bull St, 2nd floor. We are asking them as the sponsoring agency to have phase II of the Truman Linear Park (52nd Street to Lake Mayer) ready for stimulus funding (i.e. ready to begin construction by March 2010).
The initial $1 million in funding for the project came in 2004, and the time is now for this project that would provide safe bicycle access where the adjacent north-south corridors (Skidaway, Waters, and the Truman Parkway) don’t currently provide a good option for nonmotorized traffic. This meeting is the third step after two meetings packed by a large contingent of Campaigners — the final will come April 30 when the MPO chooses the projects it will send up as priorities for stimulus funding.