Bikes! Art! Technology!
The Telfair’s PULSE festival begins next Wednesday:
The Telfair’s 2010 Pulse: Art and Technology Festival is a FREE, all-ages event exploring the intersection of art and technology. The 11-day festival features a mind-expanding array of programs including interactive art installations, musical robots, wearable art, game design, VJs, and more!
In celebration of the event, we’re bringing everyone together for a night ride! Following the screening of Copyright Criminals at the Jepson Center from 6-7pm on Friday, Jan 29, your Savannah Bicycle Campaign will lead a fun, casual, slow paced 5 mile nighttime bike ride through downtown Savannah starting at around 7pm. The short ride will include a cruise through another of the PULSE events, the Medeology Collective’s Interactive Installation and finish at Matt Hebermehl’s wall blast at Atwell’s on West Broughton. Post ride festivities will follow across the street at T-Rex Mex at around 8pm. A front white headlight is required for all riders, and a rear red light and helmet are stongly encouraged.