Holiday Bike Drive will spread cheer to kids again this year

holiday bike drive

Our New Standard Cycles volunteers are hard at work refurbishing donated bikes for our second annual Holiday Bike Drive. The bikes will go to families that cannot afford bikes on their own, through our partner Blessings in a Bookbag. Last year we were able to provide dozens of bikes to deserving kids, who would not have received bicycles otherwise. We also provide helmets to go along with the bikes.

If you are interested donating a bike, please contact to schedule a drop-off. Please do not leave bikes unattended at our office. If you’d like to help get the bikes ready (no previous mechanical experience necessary) sign up for a volunteer shift today!

Ride your bike to the Food Day Festival on Oct. 24 and use our free bicycle valet


food_fest_2013_geoffs_0031We are excited to offer free valet parking for bicycles again this year at the Savannah Food Day Festival on Saturday, Oct. 24 in Daffin Park. Take in all the Food Day fun including live music, exhibitors and, of course, food! We’ll watch your bike while you enjoy the festivities.

We are  seeking volunteers to staff the bike valet. The first two people to volunteer will receive passes that allow access to the exclusive VIP tent. Sign up to volunteer.

Eat, drink and find out how you can get involved with SBC on June 16

june cycle socialWe are changing things up for our June Cycle Social on Tuesday, June 16 at 6 p.m.  Pizza and beverages are on us! We’ll met at Savannah Bicycle Campaign headquarters (1301 A Lincoln St.), go for a leisurely around the neighborhood, then enjoy food and beverages while discussing upcoming events and opportunities for involvement.

We’ll talk about the structure and goals of  our events, education, public policy, development, New Standard Cycles and Midnight Garden Ride committees. Join us to see what we have planned for fall and beyond and find out how you can get involved.

Please R.S.V.P. to or join the Facebook event.

Volunteers needed for annual “bicycle census”

newscycle1-1Over the next two weeks, the Savannah Bicycle Campaign and the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization conduct pedestrian and bicycle counts at locations in Savannah and elsewhere in Chatham County. The data gathered is critically important. We need volunteers to help gather this crucial information.

Jane Love, a transportation planner at the CORE MPO, said the information collected by citizen volunteers is used for a variety of purposes, including “before and after” comparisons that can identify changes in traffic patterns resulting from infrastructure improvements such as new sidewalks or bike lanes.

For example, Love said past counts revealed bike traffic on Price and Habersham streets suggest the Price Street Bike Lane “attracts some southbound trips off of Habersham Street but also attracts some new trips that weren’t captured previously in the selected count locations.”

Conducting counts can also reveal the presence of people on bikes and on foot in places where some may presume they are not likely to be, Love said. When new infrastructure is proposed, sometimes residents question the need by claiming they never see people walking or riding bikes, and don’t dare to do so themselves. Because of this tendency to underestimate bicycle and pedestrian trips “that are in fact occurring in spite of bad conditions,” Love said, data is helpful in ensuring that “decisions are not based on conjecture.”

The information gathered during the counts is also used beyond Savannah, through an effort called the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project.

Volunteers receive instructions on how to conduct the counts, necessary forms and a SBC volunteer t-shirt. Sign up to count bicycles today!

Ride your bike the Preservation Festival Block Block Party this Saturday




Our friends at the Historic Savannah Foundation are throwing a Lincoln Street Initiative Block Party this Saturday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Lincoln and 32nd streets, just south of Savannah Bicycle Campaign HQ. What’s this all about?

“In 2004, HSF announced the Lincoln Street Initiative in the Thomas Square Streetcar Historic District. By combining rehabilitation of historic structures with construction of new buildings for low to moderate income families, the Foundation sought to revitalize the neighborhood, provide new housing and avoid displacement of existing residents.”

What’s happening at the Block Party?

“Home sites will be open for visitation, relevant historical storytelling will be staged, interactive demonstrations for trade-related jobs will be integrated, students from our Savannah Chatham County Public School partners will have Hands on History Program related booths, food and beverage will be offered from neighborhood restaurants and live music will fill the air.

We’ll offer free valet parking for bicycles at the corner of Lincoln and 32nd streets. Tickets and more information are available on the HSF website. Interested in volunteering at the bike valet? Sign up for a shift here.

Free valet parking for bikes offered at 2015 Savannah Music Festival concerts

The Wailers
The Wailers perform at Trustees Theater on April 2

We are providing free valet parking for bikes at the following Savannah Music Festival concerts:

Ride your bike, enjoy the music and leave the parking to us! Interested in volunteering to staff the bike valet? Sign up here.

Volunteers on bikes needed for Historic Savannah Foundation Race for Preservation

hsfvolunteersSBC volunteers on bikes will help direct runners at the Historic Savannah Foundation’s  Race for Preservation on Saturday, Feb. 28 from 7:30-9:30 a.m.

Volunteers ride ahead of the runners and welcome them to each historic neighborhood along the course. It’s a fun way to cheer on your friends and neighbors running in the race. Volunteers will receive SBC volunteer and Race for Preservation t-shirts.

To volunteer, email

Make the holiday season brighter for families in Savannah! Help us refurbish donated bikes

kidsbikerefurbOur New Standard Cycles program is organizing its first Holiday Bike Drive, in cooperation with Blessings in a Book Bag. We’ve received generous donations of bicycles that will be reconditioned and given to children who would not otherwise receive bicycles this Christmas.

Now we need extra hands to get the bikes ready. Volunteers are needed on at the following times:

Saturday, Dec. 6, 1-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 7-9:30 p.m.

Previous bicycle repair experience is not required. To volunteer, email We’ll be working in the New Standard Cycles area at 1301 Lincoln St.

Eat, drink and ride like a local on Nov. 14

Year of The Local

Our friends at ThincSavannah are hosting another Year of the Local event — a celebration of local business, art, food, music, beverages and, yes, bicycling — on Friday, Nov. 14 from 5-8 p.m. Get your Year of the Local tickets today.

We are offering free bike valet parking right out front at 35 Barnard St. If you would like to volunteer at the bike valet (and check out the party for free) sign up here!

Dig The Ride All-Terrian Bicycle Race & Ride set for June 21

DigTheRidePosterWe are excited to be assisting our friends from the Southeast Georgia – Southern Offroad Bicycling Association with the Dig the Ride All-Terrian Bicycle Race & Ride on June 21, presented by JCB. What’s this all about?

“In Savannah, we may not have mountains but we have plenty of dirt. And JCB has a new, dirt-filled single-track challenge for you. It involves, you, your mountain bike, and the toughest bike course in the area that this construction equipment manufacturer could dig up. The first annual Dig the Ride takes place at JCB’s North American Headquarters.”

We will be offering free bicycle valet parking before and after the race. Look for the blue SBC tent and park your bike with us!

All proceeds from the vent benefit the Lady Bamford Center for Early Childhood Development. Located in West Savannah, The Lady Bamford Center was created through a joint partnership of JCB, the City of Savannah, and The United Way of the Coastal Empire.

Registration is available now through the Dig The Ride website now closed.