Ride your bike the Preservation Festival Block Block Party this Saturday




Our friends at the Historic Savannah Foundation are throwing a Lincoln Street Initiative Block Party this Saturday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Lincoln and 32nd streets, just south of Savannah Bicycle Campaign HQ. What’s this all about?

“In 2004, HSF announced the Lincoln Street Initiative in the Thomas Square Streetcar Historic District. By combining rehabilitation of historic structures with construction of new buildings for low to moderate income families, the Foundation sought to revitalize the neighborhood, provide new housing and avoid displacement of existing residents.”

What’s happening at the Block Party?

“Home sites will be open for visitation, relevant historical storytelling will be staged, interactive demonstrations for trade-related jobs will be integrated, students from our Savannah Chatham County Public School partners will have Hands on History Program related booths, food and beverage will be offered from neighborhood restaurants and live music will fill the air.

We’ll offer free valet parking for bicycles at the corner of Lincoln and 32nd streets. Tickets and more information are available on the HSF website. Interested in volunteering at the bike valet? Sign up for a shift here.