Ardsley in Motion: ‘Resident-driven’ research

Originally published in Connect Savannah on Oct. 10, 2018.

COUNTING CRACKS in the sidewalk might sound like a euphemism for a boring and useless activity, along the lines of “watching paint dry,” but in Ardsley Park these days it’s a purposeful part of a serious initiative.

Last month the Ardsley Park Chatham Crescent Neighborhood Association launched Ardsley in Motion, an effort to improve safety and mobility, and promote beautification efforts throughout Ardsley Park and Chatham Crescent. (Disclosure: I serve on the neighborhood association board).

APCCNA President Nick Palumbo developed the concept, organized events, sought guidance from subject matter experts, and recruited more than 75 volunteers to systematically assess the condition of streets, crosswalks, sidewalks, bike lanes, signage, trees, and other vegetation.

Read the full article in Connect Savannah.