Picnic in the Park Valet Sun Oct 7

Bike Valet

Picnic in the Park 2012SBC will again host a bike valet at Picnic in the Park on Sunday, Oct 7 in Forsyth Park.  Getting there will be half of the fun — racks will be ready to accept your two wheels starting at 4pm.  Our volunteer attendants will watch your bike (donations are greatly appreciated) while you enjoy your picnic and the sounds of Eddie Wilson and Strings of the South. Bikes will be held until 15 minutes after the end of the show.  Make sure you use lights for a safe ride home!

If you’re interested in volunteering, please email volunteers@bicyclecampaign.org and let us know when you are available.Volunteers will get a free t-shirt (or wear one if you already have it) and you’ll get a nice place to sit and watch the concert.

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1 Comment

  1. We definetely need to raise awareness of all the benefits to bike riding in Savannah.

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