Shock and Awe: Share the Road

In the wake of a near miss of NOLA by Gustav and the upcoming potential for lowcountry havoc from Hanna, let’s take a look at some recent horrific events that have nothing to do with the weather.

Here at the SBC, we believe that cyclists of all creeds, speeds, shapes and sizes are in this together. As such we recognize that the changes needed to make more people get on bikes will be beneficial to everyone who rides from the hard core roadies to the SCAD fixie hipsters to families and casual recreational riders. Therefore, here are some points in the news of late, highlighting the general need for education, tolerance and understanding of the rights of cyclists to the road.

First, this shocking hit from behind in Miami where a cab plowed into a club ride, striking eleven, six of which were hospitalized, one in critical condition.

Next, an LA physician who intentionally sped by two riders and slammed on the breaks, causing them to fly into his rear window. Apparently, he tried this assault technique at least one time before.

Finally, this June 2008 photo of a race held in Mexico, where an intoxicated driver plowed head on into the peloton.

The Share the Road concept is something we could and should be promoting together in conversations with friends and neighbors, in the media, really everywhere we go. We hope to continue to involve all area cycling groups in the dialogue for better education and cooperation among road users.

City council shows support for a bicycle friendly Savannah

On Aug. 28 the Savannah City Council considered a resolution that holds great promise for Savannah’s cyclists and, truly, all of Savannah. The resolution reads as follows:

“A resolution to instruct the City Manager to submit an application to the League of American Cyclists to join the Bicycle Friendly Communities Initiative. The City to hold a community workshop with Bicycle Friendly Communities Initiative staff would rate the environment for bicycle usage in Savannah and make recommendations for improvements. This would be part of the “Thrive” program for City-wide sustainability. (See attached memo.) Recommend approval.”

And approve it they did! Congratulations to the mayor and aldermen for taking this important first step toward earning Savannah a Bicycle Friendly Community designation. Click here to download a .pdf version of the memo described above.

Bike to Beer Night at Moon River Brewing Company

Bike 2 BeerThe third Tuesday of each month is Bike to Beer Night at Moon River Brewing Company. Customers who arrive by bicycle qualify for the following deals from 4-7 p.m. at the brew pub on Bay Street:

  • image.png$3 draft beers
  • $1 off sandwiches
  • $3 off entrees

What’s more, Moon River is offering its cycling patrons the rarest (at least locally) of accommodations: indoor bike parking! That’s right, you can bring your bicycle inside and park it in back, near the cigarette machine.

Moon River Brewing Company is located at 21 W. Bay St. in downtown Savannah.

Sandfly-Isle of Hope

Echoing the letter to the editor a week ago, today’s SMN printed an article where the opponents of connectivity take center stage.  Unfortunately, the article did not include the overwhelming support in Sandfly for making safe bicycle and pedestrian access as they have previously indicated in master planning efforts, nor did it include the many Isle of Hopians who support the idea.

Central Avenue crossingCentral Avenue:  The bridge from the old Isle of Hope trolley is missing, but the rest of the causeway is intact.

Our organization, while enthusiastic about bikable and walkable communities, certainly has no interest in forcing infrastructure projects on communities who are not interested in them.  We will continue to assist Sandfly and Isle of Hope in discussing options.  We will continue to support planning efforts that include significant bicycle and pedestrian improvements everywhere in Chatham County.

SBC Board Meeting

All are welcome at meetings of the Board of Directors.  Monday at the American Legion (1108 Bull Street) we will be discussing the progress of Bicycle Friendly Community efforts with the city and reviewing our goals to set time tables and divide them among our newly selected committee heads.

August 25 Agenda.

Wheelie Weekend

Here’s little reminder about the Savannah Wheelie at Hutchinson Island, 5:30pm THIS Sunday August 17.  It’s not too often you get to ride on a real racetrack!

Savannah Wheelie

Sunday’s forecasted high is a sunny, unseasonably cool 89 with a gentle breeze, so I hope everyone can make it.  Unlike these intrepid racers of yore, we’re not out for speed, and we wear our helmets!  Join us, won’t you?  We start in the roundabout between the Westin and the Trade Center.  Cross back over the river on the ferry afterwards as we gather for food and drinks at Moon River, a bike friendly establishment if there ever was one.

Thanks again to our sponsors: Georgia Bike Law, Bicycle Link, and Big H little h design and illustration!

Savannah Century

Formerly the Historic Savannah Bikefest, the Savannah Century will be a weekend of fun for the local cycling world.  With many ride options, this is a showcase of rides here in the Coastal Empire for bike tourists far and wide.

Savannah Century

Saturday’s ride starts at 9am in Black Creek and is a 31 mile loop.  Sunday start is 8am from Savannah Station. and includes 25, 37, 56, 69, and 103 mile options.

If you would like to ride, check out their registration page.  If you would like to volunteer, drop us a line here at the SBC with a comment.

Bike to Beer Night at Moon River Brewing Company

Beginning on Aug. 19, the third Tuesday of each month is Bike to Beer Night at Moon River Brewing Company. Customers, who arrive by bicycle, qualify for the following deals from 4-7 p.m. at the brew pub on image.pngBay Street:

  • $3 draft beers
  • $1 off sandwiches and
  • $3 off entrees

What’s more, Moon River is offering its cycling patrons the rarest (at least locally) of accommodations: indoor bike parking! That’s right, you can bring your bicycle inside and park it in back, near the cigarette machine.

Moon River Brewing Company is located at 21 W. Bay St. in downtown Savannah.

Streets as temporary public spaces

Streets as we know them are not fully public spaces. High priority is given to cars and little to any other potential users, generally in the interest of maximum speed. New York City has taken a page from other cities by giving temporary priority to nonmotorized street use with its first successful Summer Streets event on Saturday.

We posted a poll on the idea of doing a similar event in Savannah a while back, and the highest vote getter (45% of our voters) was right down the middle of the Landmark Historic District — Bull Street north of Forsyth Park. That makes good sense since it is a route already travelled by tourists on foot, in trolleys and horse and buggy, other pedestrians and bicyclists, and very little local car traffic, which tend to use streets without squares to head north and south (Price, Drayton, Whitaker, Montgomery).

We ask again, therefore, why not Savannah?