End the Wheelie year in style! Get in the holiday spirit with the Savannah Bicycle Campaign at the River Street Holiday Lighted Parade. All are welcome to join our free festive flotilla, provided you have a headlight, taillight, helmet and a great attitude about riding on cobblestones. (We have a limited number of free lights to give away if you need one.) Decorate your bike and wear a costume and you could in a beautiful new cruiser from Quality Bike Shop!*

Meet at the west end of River Street at around 5pm. We will follow the parade to Broughton Street and on to Blowin’ Smoke (514 MLK Jr. Blvd.) for a post parade party. Winners of the costume contest will be announced at the party, though judging will happen before, so don’t be late! You are welcome to park at Blowin’ Smoke before the parade, and we will provide directions to the starting point.
* To protect children in attendance, no Santas or Mrs. Clauses are allowed in the costume contest, so be creative. As far as we know there is no prohibition on sugar plum fairies, tin soldiers, or abominable snowmen. Santa hats are allowed (we checked); just be sure they fit over your helmet.
Many thanks as always to our wonderful sponsors, Georgia Bike Law/Attorney Joe Steffen, Big H little h design and illustration, Quality Bikes, and Blowin’ Smoke!