Making your trip with Chatham Area Transit!

Combining your biking or walking trip with public transit can help make your trip more successful. Chatham Area Transit offers a lot of options to extend your trip and help you go the distance.

All of CAT’s fixed-route buses are equipped with bike racks so you can take your bike with you at no extra cost. No special passes or training are required, and each rack can hold up to two conventional bicycles so they are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Learn more about using the bike rack on the front of CAT buses by visiting their website.

Want to plan your route, but you’re not sure where your closest stop is located — or where the route goes? Check out the CAT Tracker to view stops near you and see up to the minute information on when the next bus is going to arrive.

Extend your route downtown — for free! Thanks to a partnership with the City of Savannah, CAT operates a free downtown transit system spanning land and water.

While biking downtown might be easy, it’s a little difficult to get across the Savannah River! The Savannah Belles Ferry system provides free passage across the River between the riverwalk and Hutchinson Island from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week, and bikes are allowed.

As always, make sure to follow our biking and walking tips to make your trip as safe as possible! Visit our Resources page for more information.

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

Driving Safely around People Walking

It’s important to remember that we’re all people — and at some point in the day, everyone is a pedestrian.

Unfortunately pedestrian injuries and fatalities remain high, especially in Savannah. When you maintain safe speeds and practice other safe driving behaviors, our streets are safer for everyone!

Most at Risk

  • Seniors 65+
  • Kids ages 5-9
  • People under the influence

You never know who may cross your path unexpectedly, so by taking steps to be prepared and constantly paying attention, you can make sure everyone gets from where they are to where they need to be safely — including you!

Tips for how to avoid crashes involving pedestrians:

Know where people are. Does the street you’re on have sidewalks and activated crosswalks, or are people going to be forced to walk in the street or cross unexpectedly? Are there bus stops?

Do not pass stopped school buses. It’s not only the law, but stopped school buses create opportunities where kids or adults may be unexpectedly entering the roadway.

Slow down for crosswalks, regardless of if there are pedestrians. When you approach, give right-of-way to pedestrians who are waiting or in the crosswalk. Stop far enough away to indicate your intent. Scan the street before turning, as there may be someone waiting to cross on the street you’re turning onto. And remember, any intersection — whether marked or unmarked — is a space where pedestrians are legally allowed to cross.

Practice driveway safety. When we’re leaving our home or coming home is a very dangerous time for drivers. You may be distracted by opening your garage door, putting on your seatbelt, remembering your coffee, and might not be looking for kids or people walking behind your vehicle. Make sure to pay attention! Similarly, be aware when you’re in parking lots and pulling in or out of spaces.

Don’t drive distracted or under the influence. Again, it’s the law!

Consider driving conditions. Whether it’s raining or sunny, there’s something happening that can influence your driving. Make sure to slow down or give yourself extra room if you need it, and consider pulling over rather than powering through if conditions are dangerous.

Stay alert for pedestrians who may need more space. Did you notice that the street may not have sidewalks or ramps to get on those sidewalks? Do you see a pedestrian using a mobility device like a motorized wheelchair or cane, or maybe a family with small children? Make sure to give them some extra room!

Ultimately, SLOW DOWN.

Interested in learning more about being a Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver? Sign up for an upcoming class or view our webinar here!

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

Walking Safely in Savannah

The greater downtown area is known for its walkability – but do you know the rules of the road?

Below are our tips for walking safely in Savannah, as well as applicable laws.

Safety Tips

  • Be predictable, and follow the rules of the road.
  • Walk on sidewalks when available and passable.
  • If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.
  • Be alert! Never assume a driver sees you.
  • Whenever possible, cross streets at crosswalks or intersections. Look for cars in all directions.
  • If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; if you are crossing a multi-lane road, use extra caution when crossing each lane.
  • Watch for drivers entering or exiting driveways or backing up in parking lots.

The Laws

Pedestrians crossing at any point other than a marked crosswalk or an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles on the roadway.

When a pedestrian signal says WALK, you may proceed across the roadway. When it is flashing DON’T WALK, finish your crossing and do not start crossing if you have not entered the roadway. When it is steady DON’T WALK, do not start crossing.

“Crosswalk” means (A) That part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway; or (B) Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface.

Crosswalks exists at most intersections whether or not they are marked by painted lines.

“Jaywalking” is not a legal term and does not appear in the Georgia Code. Even so, people often use “jaywalking” to describe a pedestrian crossing outside of a crosswalk. In fact, crossing the street outside of a crosswalk is perfectly LEGAL in most places, as long as the pedestrians yield to traffic.

Do not suddenly leave a curb or sidewalk and walk or run into the path of a vehicle which is so close it is impractical for the driver to yield.

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

2023 Bike There Challenge

Celebrate National Bike Month by participating in the Bike Walk Savannah “Bike There Challenge”!

Biking every day has many health benefits — including increasing muscle strength, mobility, and decreasing stress — but also helps our environment. Many of our motor vehicle trips are under 2 miles, and can easily be replaced by a short bike ride. Sign our pledge at to commit to making at least one trip each day by bike. Whether you’re biking to work, to school, to the grocery store, or around your neighborhood, you’re making a difference!

Need some inspiration? Check out our Bike There Challenge BINGO card. Complete a row, column or diagonal and receive a free BWS membership — complete the full card to be entered to win a prize pack!

And if you need some route planning assistance, check out our Custom Bike Route tool.

Plan Your Route

Whether you’re commuting to work or school, getting some exercise, or riding to get your groceries, planning your route can be a difficult — but necessary — step. You don’t want to get to your destination and realize you have to cross a six-lane highway in order to get there, but you also don’t want to ride down a cul-de-sac and not be able to get out. Below are our tips on how to plan your perfect route.

Try planning out your own bike route this May!

Mapping Out a Safe Route

Use Google Maps

Google Maps has come a long way in helping plan bike routes! Visit Google Maps, click Layers at the bottom of your screen, and then click Biking to show trails, dedicated lanes, bicycle-friendly roads and dirt or unpaved trails.

You can input your starting point and destination and select biking, which will suggest routes that follow bike infrastructure or bike-friendly streets, if available. You can even select street view in order to see a photo of the street, which can help you in quickly identifying if that’s a route you’d like to take. Pro Tip: Under Layers click Traffic, which can help you identify if streets are closed or if traffic is moving slowly in certain areas. Also, the wider the street the more cars are likely to be on it — and moving quickly!

Use Strava, Map My Ride or Ride with GPS

The great thing about biking in Savannah is that we have a lot of people out biking with you! There’s a pretty good chance that someone has a route similar to the one you’re looking to create, which means that websites like Strava, Map My Ride or Ride with GPS can help you find a route that someone has already ridden. They can also have heat maps, which can show you where people are riding.

Image © Bikabout

Tips for Planning Your Route

Maybe you can find a route digitally, but you’re concerned about riding it in person. You don’t have to dive all in right away!

  • Talk with other bike riders: Check out local biking groups on social media or in person and ask for some tips! Check out Bike Walk Savannah’s events for some more details on our rides.
  • Scout the route: If your route is on streets and not on bike paths, try it out in your car first. While you won’t be able to get exactly the same feel for the road, you can easily see if there are areas that are blocked off, high volumes of other cars, or might not have a safe crossing for you to use.
  • Experiment with your route: If you know the area well enough, take some time to experiment with different possible routes. Make sure to leave around the same time you would be biking to or from your destination, but give yourself some extra time (like on your day off). This can help you find additional streets that might be a little more comfortable for you.
  • Be familiar with your map: What happens if the street you usually take is closed due to construction or a crash? Do you know what other streets you can take? We recommend knowing a few different alternate routes, as well as knowing what sections you can’t swap out. This can also be helpful for different times of day — maybe you go to work taking one route, but return home on another.
  • Don’t be afraid to go multi-modal: Maybe you can’t ride directly from your house, but you can pick up some safe
  • streets a mile or two away. Check out Chatham Area Transit and see if there’s a bus you can take for part of your trip!

Need some more help? Request some bike route assistance from the BWS team or check out our routes page.

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

How to Cross Railroad Tracks on a Bike

If you ride your bike in downtown Savannah, you’ve definitely come across some railroad tracks! Here’s how to cross them safely so your ride continues without a hitch.

  1. Slow down and come to a complete stop if the crossing is un-signalized.
  2. If the crossing is signalized, reduce your speed and still look both ways.
  3. Always cross at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your tires run perpendicular with the tracks.
  4. Take extra precaution when the tracks are wet, as there is less traction for your wheels.
  5. While crossing, stand on your bike pedals out of the saddle. Keep them level (feet at three and nine on the clock) as you smoothly coast across the tracks and keep your knees and elbows loosely bent — it’ll help you keep your balance and absorb shock.
  6. Never cross when the lights are flashing and the arm is down, or if you see a train coming. Railroad lights and the arm are designed for your safety.

Small tires — like on bicycles, wheelchairs, skateboards or skates – can become stuck when in-street tracks are crossed at too low an angle. Always pay attention to the angle of your wheels when you cross!

City presents data-driven, community-led approach to Vision Zero traffic safety plan

Last week, City of Savannah staff presented the recently completed Vision Zero action plan to City Council. The public can view the plan by visiting

The overarching goal of Vision Zero is to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries in Savannah by creating safer streets for everyone on the road. City Council approved the Vision Zero resolution on Feb. 24, 2022 and directed staff to develop an action plan for the initiative within one year.

“Regardless of how you may travel in Savannah, whether by car or bike or on-foot, we want you to get to your destination safely,” said Mayor Van Johnson. “Vision Zero will guide the City’s efforts to design transportation networks that prioritize safety with a focus on the unique and ever-evolving needs of our community.”

The Vision Zero action plan emphasizes substantive community engagement and collaboration, as well as continuous collection and analysis of data, to identify safety concerns and opportunities for improvement. 

“I’m proud to say the Vision Zero action plan is a holistic, inclusive approach to traffic safety,” said Alderman Nick Palumbo. “This plan is a living document, designed to be as responsive to the diverse community it serves as it is aligned with the best practices in modern mobility management.”

As part of the plan, a Vision Zero Task Force will be created to bring together City staff, local officials, members of the community, and representatives from outside agencies to provide ongoing input on Vision Zero strategies, policies, and projects.

“I want to commend City staff, including our experts in traffic engineering and mobility planning, who have worked diligently in the last year to create an equitable and actionable plan for Vision Zero,” said City Manager Joseph A. “Jay” Melder. “We are excited as the City organization to take on a lead role in this effort. This action plan will help our community be a safer place for all forms of transit.”

Pick Your Parking

Nothing ruins your ride faster than having your bike stolen! Here are some steps you can take to seriously reduce the likelihood of that happening.

  • Use a U-lockCable locks can be cut more easily than you might think. Cheaper and older U-locks can often be broken without any tools. Sourcing your U-lock from a local bike shop is a good way to make sure you’re buying a quality product.
  • Don’t make it easy to steal! Bike thieves love low hanging fruit, and nothing deters them like the presence of a quality lock. Many thefts are crimes of opportunity, so make your bike the hardest one on the rack to steal.
  • Lock the frame first. Try to secure the wheels and seat, too. Your bike frame happens to be the most expensive part; make sure you lock it to something secure. Use a secondary cable to lock the wheels and seat. In many cases a U-lock can be used to lock both the frame and rear wheel. Accessories (lights, pumps, etc) are commonly stolen items. Take them with you.
  • Your lock is only as good as what it is locked to. Make sure whatever you locked up to isn’t going anywhere. Be mindful that trees and wood can be cut or kicked through.
  • Your garage, shed, or storage room isn’t as safe as you think. Even if you have parked your bike in a “secure location” be sure to lock it to something. Bikes are commonly stolen from garages or shared basements.
  • Document it! Take pictures of your bike, record the serial number, and where possible list your bike on your insurance.
  • After you’ve done that, make sure to register your bike with Savannah Police Department and Bike Index. The Bike Index makes stolen bikes harder to sell and easier to recover by making sure important information about your bike is there when you need it the most. The process is simple, secure, and free.

Need to find available bike parking in Savannah? Check out our map below. If you find a rack that isn’t on our map, please submit it to

Sharing the trail

Multi-use paths like the Truman Linear Park Trail and Police Memorial Trail are popular, but they can get congested and create issues with different modes of travel! It’s important to be courteous and for everyone to follow the same rules in order to have a safe and enjoyable time.

  • Be courteous & know the rules of the trail you are using.
  • Give a clear, audible signal when passing — bells or your voice are great!
  • Be cautious and yield to crossing traffic.
  • Stay to the right.
  • If you’re moving faster than the people in front of you, slow and wait for an opportunity to pass — don’t thread the needle.
  • Always be predictable — ride in a straight line, don’t weave across the trail.
  • Stay on the designated path.
  • Travel at a speed that allows you to watch for hazards as well as your surroundings.
  • Don’t blast your music. If you’re listening on headphones, make sure you can hear your surroundings or use one earbud.
  • Yield to more vulnerable path users. Bicyclists and skaters yield to pedestrians, pedestrians yield to those with young children or assistive devices.
  • If you’re riding in a group, move to a single file to allow oncoming traffic to pass.
  • If you are riding or walking while it is dark, be sure to use lights.
  • If you’re on the trail with your dog, make sure to keep it on a short leash. Retractable leashes are not recommended, as they can cause cuts and burns to both pets and people.
  • Keep it clean — whatever you bring in, bring out! If you notice a lot of trash or debris, call 311 or come out for a trail cleanup!

Our friends at The League of American Bicyclists have put together a great video overview below.

How to Fix a Flat Tire on a Bicycle

Knowing how to change a flat tire is a useful skill, especially if you’re going on longer rides or don’t have a local bike shop nearby. It can be daunting at first, but it’s easier than you think! All it takes is some practice.

Our friends at Park Tools have a great basic overview of how to repair a flat tire on a bike. Read on for step by step instructions!

What you need:

  • Tire levers
  • Air pump
  • Wrench (for non-quick-release type wheels)
  • Replacement tube and/or tire
  • A repair stand can be helpful, but not necessary

How to:

  1. Remove your wheel
    1. Rear Wheel: Shift derailleur to the outermost gear and innermost front chain ring to give you chain slack.
    2. Disengage any rim brakes.
    3. Disengage the wheel from your frame.
      1. Quick Release: pull outward on end of quick-release skewer lever. If necessary, loosen quick-release adjusting nut to clear any tabs at end of fork.
      2. Thru Axle: some function similarly to quick-release axle – pull lever outward to disengage and turn to loosen. Some thru axles are equipped with a special fitting that must be engaged to loosen the axle. Still others are simple levers that turn to loosen or tighten – no engagement or disengagement is necessary.
      3. Solid Axle: For wheels with axle nuts, loosen both nuts outside of dropouts.
    4. On a front wheel, guide the wheel down and out of the fork. For rear wheels, pull back on the rear derailleur to allow the cogs to clear the chain and lower the wheel.
  2. Deflate your tube completely
  3. Remove your tire
    1. Push one side of the tire inwards, close to the rim of your wheel, to help loosen the tire bead from the rim. Do this around the entire wheel.
    2. Push one tire lever under the bead of the tire, between the tire and the rim of the wheel. It can be helpful to do this near the valve stem.
    3. Insert the second tire lever under the bead of the tire a few inches away from the first one, between the tire and rim of the wheel.
    4. Pull both levers toward spokes to lift the bead off the rim. Move one lever a few inches along the rim and lift the next section, proceeding around the wheel.
    5. Starting opposite the valve, pull the tube from the tire. Lift the valve from the valve hole to full remove the tube.
    6. Remove the tire completely to fully inspect the tire for any cuts or holes.
      1. You may be able to use a tube or tire patch kit to fix any small holes or cuts, but replacing the tube is always the safest and most reliable option.
  4. Inspect the wheel rim for any sharp edges or protruding spokes. No point in replacing a tube if your wheel rim is damaged!
  5. Install your tube
    1. Inflate tube enough to hold its shape
    2. Install tube inside tire, with valve adjacent to air pressure recommendations written on the sidewall of the tire.
  6. Lower tire and valve into rim valve hole. Note any directional arrows on your tire and orient the tire appropriately.
    1. Make sure to keep your valve pointing straight towards the hub of your wheel!
  7. Install one side of the tire bead at a time. You can use your tire lever carefully and strategically to help work the tire in, but be careful and avoid pinching your tube.
  8. Once both sides of your tire are installed properly, inflate the tube to low pressure and inspect each side for any bulging, inner tube sticking out, or inconsistencies. You may need to deflate the tube and reinstall the tube and tire.
  9. Once everything looks ok, inflate your tube to full pressure.
  10. Reinstall your wheel
    1. Work backwards from how you removed your wheel!
    2. Make sure any quick-release levers are tightened and your wheel is secure.
    3. Re-engage brakes.
    4. Make sure your wheel is centered in the frame or fork.

And now you’ve changed your tube and tire!

Want some practice? Volunteer with our New Standard Cycles Crew on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Sundays from 2-4 p.m. and help fix up bikes while learning some new skills.

Learn more tips on our Resources Page.

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.