Want to have fun with your bike, and feel good about helping your community at the same time? We have some great ideas for you!
Sat Feb 28 at 7:30am-10am: SBC volunteers on bikes will be helping direct runners at the Historic Savannah Foundation Critz Race for Preservation. Cheer on your friends running in the race. Volunteers will get a race T-shirt for helping out. Please email Drew at awade1975 <at> gmail <d o t> com if you can help.
Tue-Wed Mar 3-4: The City of Savannah and Savannah Bicycle Campaign are conducting the first ever Savannah bike census. This weighs heavily in the application for Bicycle Friendly Community Status and will be a benchmark from which to measure future progress. Take part in this historic event, as we will need volunteers stationed at multiple locations to count bicyclists! Email Sean Brandon (Sean_Brandon <a t> savannahga <dot> gov), Director of Parking and Mobility for the City of Savannah, if you are interested in volunteering for one or more hour. Locations include Bull and Broughton (Panera), Lincoln at Gwinnett (Kroger), Bull and Park (Bean/Forsyth), and Habersham and 52nd (Ardsley). Counts will be conducted between 8am and 6pm. This is a vitally important to our efforts, and we need your help, so please join us.

Sat May 2: Interfaith Hospitality Network is holding their first Tour de Kids event in Daffin Park. Designed for ages 3-13, kids will ride a closed course in the park in the morning. A festival for the kids awaits at the end. Volunteers are needed to mark off and marshal the courses, and to man the safety check station for the bikes. Proceeds benefit Interfaith Hospitality Network’s support of homeless families with children.
Please join us in supporting these local events, and in so doing spread the goodwill of the Savannah Bicycle Campaign to all of Savannah. If you are available to volunteer, please contact us at savbikecampaign <a t> yahoo <dot> com.