Bikes 101: Learn about derailleur adjustment, winter weather riding on Dec. 17


The final installment of this year’s Bikes 101 educational series (Don’t worry, it continues next year!) is scheduled for Dec. 17 at 7 p.m. This month’s session  will focus on derailleurs and riding in winter weather. Bikes 101 is free and open to the public and held in our New Standard Cycles space at 1301 A Lincoln St.

Email Jen Colestock for more information or join the Facebook event.

Make the holiday season brighter for families in Savannah! Help us refurbish donated bikes

kidsbikerefurbOur New Standard Cycles program is organizing its first Holiday Bike Drive, in cooperation with Blessings in a Book Bag. We’ve received generous donations of bicycles that will be reconditioned and given to children who would not otherwise receive bicycles this Christmas.

Now we need extra hands to get the bikes ready. Volunteers are needed on at the following times:

Saturday, Dec. 6, 1-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 7-9:30 p.m.

Previous bicycle repair experience is not required. To volunteer, email We’ll be working in the New Standard Cycles area at 1301 Lincoln St.

Join us for our annual holiday party volunteer appreciation event on Dec. 13

sbcdna2Savannah Bicycle Campaign members, volunteers, donors, sponsors and supporters are invited to our annual Holiday Party and Volunteer Appreciation Event on Saturday, Dec. 13 from 5-8 p.m., at SBC headquarters, 1301 Lincoln St., Suite A. Enjoy food, beverages and holiday cheer in the company of others who are working to make Savannah better for bicycling.

At 6 p.m. we’ll lead a bicycle caroling convoy to the Savannah Downtown Neighborhood Association’s Holiday Tour of Homes. We’ll also provide battery powered Christmas lights to decorate bikes. If you haven’t had a chance to check out our new home at the corner of Lincoln and Henry streets, this is a perfect opportunity. Let us know you plan to attend by joining the Facebook event or RSVP to

Ride the Tour de Coop!

Tour de Coop

The Savannah Urban Garden Alliance is offering a bicycle option on its popular tour of backyard chicken coops, scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 7, from 1-5 p.m. If you’re interested in keeping chickens on your property, this is a great opportunity to meet fellow Savannahians who are raising chickens in their own backyards and get firsthand knowledge on how to do it yourself. A trolly tour is also available.

More information and link to purchase tickets.



Eat, drink and ride like a local on Nov. 14

Year of The Local

Our friends at ThincSavannah are hosting another Year of the Local event — a celebration of local business, art, food, music, beverages and, yes, bicycling — on Friday, Nov. 14 from 5-8 p.m. Get your Year of the Local tickets today.

We are offering free bike valet parking right out front at 35 Barnard St. If you would like to volunteer at the bike valet (and check out the party for free) sign up here!

Used children’s bikes needed for Holiday Bike Drive

Holiday Bike Drive

Blessings in a Book BagDo you have children’s bikes sitting around collecting dust? SBC can help them find a loving home. Through our New Standard Cycles Program, we are starting a Holiday Bike drive, based on a successful program developed by our colleagues at Bike Athens’ Bicycle Recycling Program. We will refurbish children’s bikes and donate them to families that cannot afford bikes on their own, through our partner Blessings in a Bookbag. We are grateful for the assistance of students from SCAD Serve, who are helping us evaluate and repair the bikes.

If you are interested donating a bike, please contact to schedule a drop-off. Please do not leave bikes unattended at our office. All donations must be received by Nov. 22. Want to help recondition the donated bikes? Jen’s the contact for that, too!

Victory Drive Cooridor Study seeks input from public

Victory Drive Corridor StudyThe Victory Drive Corridor Study focuses on the preservation and restoration of the historic, commemorative landscape and incorporates contemporary, complete streets solutions while balancing the need for continued mobility.

Study documents may be viewed on the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization website. Comments may be submitted online or via email. The deadline for submitting is Nov. 21

For more information, email Denise Grabowski, project manager. The Victory Drive Corridor Study is conducted by the Chatham County-Savannah Metropolitan Planning Commission on behalf of the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Second annual Cranksgiving food drive set for Nov. 22

946977_226079384238390_1336622136_nOur second annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride is coming up on Saturday, Nov. 22. stating at 1 p.m.

What is Cranksgiving, you ask? Well, it’s partially a bike ride, partially a food drive and completely a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Partnering with Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia, the Savannah Bicycle Campaign (and you!) will be helping feed hungry people this holiday season. Second Harvest of Coastal Georgia’s mission is to feed the hungry by distributing nutritious food to nonprofit agencies and at risk elderly and youth, to assist in disaster relief, and work towards long term solutions to hunger and poverty.

Now for the details of how you can help!

11216_226079344238394_686248306_nRegistration for the ride will began at 1 p.m. on Saturday, November 23 in Baldwin Park (41st and Atlantic Ave.). At registration, participants can pick up suggested donation lists as well as get tips on fast routes to take around town. The challenge will begin at 2 p.m. when riders should visit any (or all) of the stores listed below to purchase food:

  • Brighter Day (1102 Bull St)
  • Kroger (311 E Gwinnett St)
  • Red & White (4607 Habersham St)
  • Save-a-Lot (2400 Bull St)
  • Whole Foods (1815 E Victory Dr)

Plan to be back at Baldwin Park at 4 p.m. to compare your haul with everyone else’s! After we tally up the collected food, we’ll head to New Standard Cycles, the Bicycle Campaign Headquarters (Lincoln St. and Henry St.), to drop off the donations and celebrate at the after party!

Please note, this is not a marshaled ride. Participants will be on their own traveling between the stores. But we encourage you to bring your friends along for the ride – not only will you have a great time, you’ll generate even more donations for a worthy cause!

Participants should pick up items from the shopping list without going over $15-20 price limit. This is a way to donate to a good cause and to explore Savannah, not a race! Awards will be given based on:

  • Most Items per Person
  • Most Locations (receipts needed from each store)
  • Best Budgeter

Prizes will be announced at the after party at Bicycle Campaign Headquarters!

What should you bring?

First of all, you’ll need your bike and $15-20. You’ll also want to bring lights for your bike, as it will probably get dark by the time the challenge ends! We also suggest a helmet, but that is not mandatory. If you’re planning on carrying groceries, you should bring a backpack or other cargo solution for your bike.

Have questions? Want to get involved? Email Maggie Kantor.

Let us know you plan to participate by joining our Facebook event.

Learn basic bicycle repair and maintenance with Bikes 101 on Nov. 12


Want to learn what makes your bike go (or stop)? Our Bikes 101 series — formerly known as Mechanic’s Night —  is designed to teach basic repair, adjustment and maintenance tips in a fun, friendly environment. In this month’s episode, Jen Colestock will continue last month’s focus on brakes and wheels on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m.

Bikes 101 is free and open to the public, and is held at the Savannah Bicycle Campaign office at the corner of Lincoln and Henry streets. Let us know you’re coming by joining the Facebook event or emailing Jen at

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club makes donation to SBC in memory of Ed Jewell

Ed Jewell

The Coastal Bicycle Touring Club has made a donation to the Savannah Bicycle Campaign in memory of Edward Robinson Jewell (1939-2014). Ed was a beloved member of CBTC, and an SBC volunteer and member. He is remembered fondly by his fellow cyclists:

He will be greatly missed. Not many people become legends in their lifetimes, but Ed in his quiet and unassuming way did just that among those who knew him or knew of him. He will not be forgotten. Ride on Ed.” — Arte Rahn

I can’t believe anything could stop Ed’s metronomic pedaling. I know he’s still tapping out that beautiful cadence somewhere. We sure will miss you, Ed. About the nicest person I ever met. — Frank McIntosh

“Soft spoken but hard pedaling, Ed was a pleasure to ride with…if you could keep up! Now he’s got God-speed, I’ll continue to feel you out there Ed in the whispering pines and roads around Rincon,” — Roy Mueller

“We all loved Ed and admired him for his leadership, and his love of cycling. We will miss Ed out front on the Rincon ride.” —  Glenn Shealey

“Ed was a remarkable friend–he was one of the first people Buddy and I met when we began bicycling in 1985, and we kept up all these years.  In the last few years, I would ride part of the Jewell of a ride, just because he was leading it. Ed was a Jewell of a person, and I will miss him.” — Jane Kahn

Individuals wishing to make a donation to the Savannah Bicycle Campaign in memory of Ed Jewell, may use this online donation form or mail a check to:

Savannah Bicycle Campaign
1301 Lincoln St.
Suite A
Savannah, GA 31401

The Savannah Bicycle Campaign, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.