Today is for Riding #1: Gordon, @SavannahBikeCommuter

The Savannah Bicycle Campaign will be doing a new feature on people who ride their bikes for work, play — and everything in-between. They may ride rain or shine, or they may hit two wheels on the weekends. But no matter what, they know what they love about riding in Savannah — and what can be improved.

Follow along on our blog and our Instagram account as we share some top shots they’ve taken from behind their handlebars, their favorite things about riding in our beautiful city, and their hopes and dreams for the future of bicycling.

Interested in sharing your story? Email

After all, #TodayIsForRiding.

“Waiting, waiting, waiting…”

Our first feature is on SBC Volunteer of the Year Gordon Parks. Gordon shares photos of his multi-modal bike and ferry commute under the account @SavannahBikeCommuter, where he rides from South of Forsyth to across the Savannah River. His daily posts demonstrate the need for better, more connected facilities in our community — especially for those approaching areas like Bay and River Streets.

Gordon says: “I enjoy riding my bike to work because it allows me to see Savannah unobstructed by car/truck side pillars, windshields, or roofs. In a car or truck there are so many distractions and I have to be on the watch out constantly for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicles. When I’m on a bike I get to relax my use of visual sense and use more of my hearing and sense of smell.”

“It allows me to take in the beauty and uniqueness of Savannah that you miss from a vehicle.”

What does Gordon wish for? “I would love to see all of the Lincoln St. bike lane re-paved and protected… and some smoother ramps or walkways down to River St. A smoother multi-use path on the right or left of each ramp would go a long way. Many times I watch parents with strollers trying to make their way down…most of the times they pick their kids up out of the stroller to prevent the cobble stones from jarring them awake.”

Interested in sharing your story? Email

Bikes for sale at Feb. 11 Bike Sale

These bikes will be for sale at our Feb. 11, 2017 bike sale, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at 1301 Lincoln Street. Prices do not include sales tax. All sales are final. Proceeds benefit our New Standard Cycles program. For more information, email

Giant TCR Compact: $300


Cannondale Adventure with Shimano 8-speed internal hub: $220


Trek 3500: $100


SE Draft Single Speed: $150


CCM Mustang: $150


Jamis Citizen 1: $150
Jamis Citizen 1: $150


Trek 420: $200


Univega Viva Sport: $250


BMC Fourstroke 03 with Thompson stem and seat post and full XT group set, Mavic 26-inch wheels: $750


Specialized Allez Elite: $500


Peugeot Touriane: $250


SR Alpine Sport: $200


Trek 800: $250


Fila (model unknown) with custom paint: $150


Hampton Cruiser: $100


Free Spirt Brittany 12-speeds. $200 each or make offer on the pair

Help make the season brighter for deserving children by contributing to our Holiday Bike Drive!

Holiday Bike Drive

For the third year our New Standard Cycles volunteers are refurbishing donated bikes for our annual Holiday Bike Drive. Last year we were able to provide dozens of bikes to deserving kids, who would not have received bicycles otherwise, through our partner Blessings in a Bookbag. We also provide helmets to go along with the bikes.

If you are interested in donating a bike, volunteers will be at SBC HQ (1301 Lincoln St.) to accept donations on Thursdays from 7-9:30 p.m. and Sundays from 2-4:30 p.m. We will be able to accept donations through Sunday, Dec. 11. To schedule a drop-off at another time, please email Please do not leave bikes unattended at our office.

If you’d like to help get the bikes ready (no previous mechanical experience necessary) sign up for a volunteer shift today!

Battle of the Bikes 2

We also hope you can join us at Southbound Brewery on Friday, Dec. 9 for Battle of the Bikes 2! See who will win the Bicycle Repair Relay Race! We’ll have teams of mechanics from local bike shops participate in a relay race, where each team has a given number of kids bikes to refurbish and see who can complete the repairs first.

This event will happen during the brewery’s public tour and tastings. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the race begins at 6 p.m.! Tickets are $20 per person – including beer and a souvenir pint glass! — with a portion of the proceeds donated to the Savannah Bicycle Campaign.

SBC board remembers friend killed by hit and run driver, urges respect for cyclists

The Savannah Morning News published an edited letter to the editor from SBC board member Kim Turner on Oct. 28, 2016. Kim is also a member of the Coastal Bicycle Touring Club and was a friend of Dr. Deborah Wilkowski, who was killed by a hit and run driver Oct. 22. Here is her letter as originally submitted, in its entirety:

Once again the cycling community has lost one of its members to a senseless act of violence. Dr. Deborah Wilkowski, a member of Coastal Bicycle Touring Club, was killed last Saturday by someone who was driving with a suspended license. He did not stop. He fled the scene like a coward, and hid until the vehicle could be identified and his picture plastered in the news and social media. He turned himself in Sunday night and is facing three misdemeanors and one felony hit and run charge resulting in serious injury or death. I am sure Debbie’s family and the Savannah medical community are devastated. Our cycling club is shaken to its core.

Deb and I had a Texas connection that we recently discussed over lunch after a regular Saturday ride. I didn’t know her well, but her death and the circumstances around it, have shaken me to the point that I am afraid to get back on my bike. Many times we have experienced drivers who think we don’t belong on the road although Georgia law allows it. Once several of us were almost forced off the road by a dump truck driver. It was clearly intentional and we were able to confront him when he pulled into the landfill on Little Neck Road. When we rode to his truck to talk to him, he raised a sledgehammer to us. Luckily no one was injured.

Instances of “buzzing” us on rural highways, honking as the vehicle approaches from the rear and yelling obscenities are common. And all we are doing is enjoying the sport we love.

I don’t know how many injuries and deaths it will take for people to realize the seriousness of their actions. Fortunately, Dennis Lee Stuart was caught and now faces serious penalties for his crimes. I can only hope he is locked up for years. My fellow club members are ready to testify against dangerous drivers. We are also ready to assist in educational programs to raise awareness of this problem. It is a problem that doesn’t need to be. It is preventable. Kindness and common courtesy go hand in hand with the law. Georgia law requires a motorized vehicle to allow at least three feet when passing a cyclist. On most roads, we are allowed the same rights as a vehicle. This means we may take the lane if that is the safest way to travel and to be seen. Follow the law, be kind and extend us some common courtesy.

I encourage all drivers to take a cycling safety course. Not only will it make you a safer cyclist, it will make you a safer driver. It made me a much more cautious driver and slowed me down considerably.

But for now, we have to say goodbye to one of our beloved club members who died senselessly. It will take a long time to recover, if we ever do.

Need a dependable used bike at a good price? Want to help a good cause? Come see us at the March 26 Savannah Bazaar!

On Saturday, March 26, we are selling used, but fully reconditioned bicycles at the Savannah Bazaar, from 3-8 p.m. at 101 N. Fahm St.

Bikes are sold on a first come, first served basis, so if you see one you like in the gallery below, make sure to get there early. If you join the Savannah Bicycle Campaign at the time of your purchase, you’ll receive $50 off your bike. Proceeds from sales benefit our New Standard Cycles program, which provides affordable, dependable transportation to deserving people in our community. For more information about our bike sale, email us!

Bike to Bird: We are offering free valet bike parking at Andrew Bird’s Savannah Music Festival show on March 29

We are offering free valet parking for bikes at Andrew Bird’s performance on Tuesday, March 29 at Lucas Theatre. Ride your bike to the show and we’ll look after it while you enjoy the music. Our bike valet will be open beginning at 7 p.m.

The violinist, singer and composer began his career as a member of the Squirrel Nut Zippers before forming Bowl of Fire, and has been recording and touring as a solo artist since 2003. His distinctive voice, wide ranging influences and instrumental versatility contribute to an engaging compositional style that often incorporates sounds and layers rarely heard in pop music, including virtuosic whistling and glockenspiel.

We love it when we discover our favorite musicians are also avid cyclists. That’s the case with Bird. “I feel a certain amount of pride in not using a motorized vehicle to get from point A to point B,” he told Bicycling magazine. “Sometimes I’ll invent point A and point B to justify riding.”

Read more of his interview about how riding intersects with his music: A Ride with Andrew Bird.

Be smart! Ride your bike to St. Patrick’s Day!

Bogata has Ciclovia, Atlanta has Streets Alive! and we have St. Patrick’s Day, a time when Savannah’s streets are closed to cars (except those carrying dignitaries), at least while the parade is in process.

If you are heading downtown to join in the festivities, do yourself a favor and go by bike. Driving a car into downtown and trying find parking on Savannah’s most famous holiday — and, really, anytime between now and Sunday night — is a fool’s errand.

If you are planning to ride your bike on the big day, make sure to bring lights, in case you stay out later than you thought you would, and your lock to protect your bike from mischief. And, of course, wear a helmet and stay alert for impaired, distracted and aggressive drivers. If you need extra bikes for guests, SBC business members Savannah on Wheels and Perry Rubber Bike Shop offer rentals. Don’t wait until it’s too late, reserve your bikes in advance.

Stay safe, enjoy the parade and have a happy St. Patrick’s Day!