Join the Bike Walk Savannah Board

Bike Walk Savannah was formed in 2008 as the Savannah Bicycle Campaign. At the time our mission was to make Savannah better for bicycling — because bicycles make Savannah better. We did this through advocating for better facilities and enforcement, and encouraging, educating and empowering residents and visitors to make bicycling a healthy, enjoyable, useful part of their daily lives.

But we never have been just about bikes. In 2018 we changed our name and mission to reflect our successful advocacy efforts and progress toward streets that are safe for all road users — no matter their mode of transportation — and safer, more equitable transportation options.

We advocate for safer streets at all levels of government, including city, state and federal. We host community bike rides, and provide Bike Valet at a variety of events to encourage bicycle riders to explore our community. We empower area residents and community advocates with our education programs. We provide hundreds of bicycles to members of our community who need reliable, affordable transportation through our New Standard Cycles Program. We work with neighborhoods to find opportunities for improvement and address conditions that will increase neighborhood safety. And we are working with community partners on a city-wide urban trail system that will be ideal for runners, walkers, and cyclists — while also connecting neighborhoods and serving as a safe route for bike commuters.

2019 is just the start of our future. We want to expand our programming and advocacy campaigns. We want to increase our membership and revenue to build a sustainable organization. We want to create a Savannah that is safer, accessible, and connected for all road users. And we need your expertise and support to do so.

Are you someone who wants to help create safe streets in Savannah, and promote biking and walking as a viable and essential means of transportation and recreation? Are you interested in being part of our fundraising and development strategy? Do you have experience with community engagement, fundraising, or political strategy?

If any of these boxes are checked off for you, we invite you to apply to join our board of directors. Our all-volunteer board is comprised of community members who support our vision of a connected, safe and vibrant Savannah, with welcoming places to bike and walk.

Click here to learn more about the commitment details for the 5 available board positions. To apply for a position, please submit your resume and an intro letter to

Help us win a $50,000 grant to improve safety around three Savannah schools

This fall, Zendrive launched a new program to support local solutions to local traffic safety programs called #FundMyStreets. The company invited communities across the country to send in their innovative and impactful proposals for making change where they live, and apply for up to $50,000 to make streets safe in their neighborhoods. Bike Walk Savannah partnered with the Charles Ellis Montessori Academy School Council to apply for the grant. We’ve learned we are one of 23 finalists nationwide.

One of the criteria for final selection is community support, which is gauged by the number of times this short video about our application is retweeted:


We are asking all Twitter users who support safer streets around Charles Ellis Montessori Academy, Savannah Arts Academy, and J.G. Smith Elementary to like and retweet before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 13. Include the hashtag #FundMyStreets and the @zendrive in your retweet.

Happy New Year from BWS!

Thanks to you we were able to surpass our year-end goal and raise $13,725 to support our advocacy efforts in 2019. And we’ve already gotten to work!

For many, it’s not a surprise that Savannah has lagged behind in direct support for better (and safer) mobility options. It can be discouraging when you think about the more than 70 percent of streets in Savannah that do not have sidewalks or our woefully insufficient bicycle network that is especially shameful in a city where bikes are the main mode of transportation for so many people.

But there’s hope for 2019 — and we’re right at the table serving as your voice for a safe, connected, and accessible city for people of all ages, abilities and incomes.

  • Our long bicycle infrastructure drought could be coming to a close, as the City of Savannah has signaled it’s moving forward with improvements to the Lincoln Street bike lane and the creation of a critically needed east-west bike route on Liberty and Wheaton streets.
  • Later this month Chatham Area Transit will begin a year-long, system-wide redesign of its fixed-route bus network led by Jarrett Walker + Associates. We’re hopeful that this redesign will not only improve conditions for current public transit riders, but encourage more people to make this essential mode of transportation a part of their daily lives. See you at the Open House on Jan. 15!
  • A group that includes some of the smartest and civically minded people in town has been working on an initiative that will connect neighborhoods, decrease rates of chronic disease, reduce traffic crashes, allow people to travel to work safely and with dignity, and improve quality of life in Savannah from the Southside to River Street. More information to come in the next few months!

That’s not all we’re working on — but I’d love to hear from you. Is there a project that is near and dear to your heart? A critical component of the street network that you would like an update on? A neighborhood that would like to partner on its own mobility study? Send me a message at and let’s get rollin’.

Finally, please consider becoming a member of Bike Walk Savannah. With your help, we will make Savannah a place for all people, no matter their mode of transportation!

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with you in 2019.

Caila Brown
Board Chair, Bike Walk Savannah

P.S. As a thank you, those who donated during our end-of-year campaign will be receiving an Individual Membership for Bike Walk Savannah. Please contact with any questions.

See you at the CAT System Redesign Launch & Open House Jan. 15

The Chatham Area Transit Authority announced its Let’s Go! Designing Better Transit Together initiative, which will result in a system-wide redesign of the community’s fixed-route bus network. Residents are invited to learn more and provide early feedback at the first community open house on January 15, 2019.

Let’s Go! Community Open House

Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Coastal Georgia Center, Room 113, 305 Fahm St, Savannah, GA

(Drop-In Format – A brief presentation, with Q&A, will start at 5:30 p.m.)

The meeting will be an open house format and community members are welcome to stop by at their convenience. During the open house, residents can learn more about the initiative as well as provide input through interactive stations and discussions.

In addition to the open house, an online webinar will be presented on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 from noon to 1 p.m.  To register for the online webinar, send an email to and a link will be provided.

The Let’s Go! Designing Better Transit Together system redesign project will rely heavily on input from the community. The initiative will feature a dedicated webpage, three online surveys, and a series of community meetings.  The project schedule is anticipated to conclude at the end of 2019. Click here to learn more information.

We have given more than 110 bikes to deserving individuals in our community in 2018. We need your donation to continue in 2019!

We all remember that bike we received as a holiday present.

Whether it was brand new or a hand-me-down — it was now yours. It meant so many things when you saw it for the first time and pulled off that bow. Freedom. Independence. Fun.

Thanks to you, we were able to provide that experience to more than 50 children in our community this holiday season. Our friends at Blessings in a Bookbag identified the deserving recipients and The Justice for Children Foundation made sure that each kid rode away with a properly fitted helmet. And our New Standard Cycles elves lovingly refurbished each bike that was donated by you, our most stalwart supporters.

But our New Standard Cycles crew does so much more. Throughout the year they volunteer countless hours to make sure that members of our community receive the transportation they need to get to work, to school, to stay in treatment, and to enrich their lives in so many other ways. They work with more than 20 organizations, like Union Mission, Emmaus House, Social Apostolate of Savannah, and Lutheran Services of Georgia to identify individuals for whom a bike would be a life-changing addition. And our program manager, Henry, makes sure that members of our community are able to repair their bikes so they can keep the wheels rollin’.

In 2018 we were able to provide more than 110 bikes to deserving recipients in Chatham County. We need your support to provide even more in 2019!

It only takes a few minutes to make a tax-deductible donation on our website. If you’d like to set up a recurring monthly donation, just let us know. And if you have a bicycle that you’d like to donate to New Standard Cycles, we welcome your support.

I am glad you are part of our people-powered movement!

Caila D. Brown
Board Chair

P.S. One of our volunteers, Patrick MacDonald, was recently struck by a vehicle on his daily commute, resulting in very serious injuries. A fundraiser has been started to support his recovery and medical bills. Please consider supporting the fundraiser, and keep him in your thoughts!

Support Bike Walk Savannah when you eat at Bull Street Taco through Dec. 20

The good people of Bull Street Taco made us the beneficiary of their Tacos for a Cause program back in November. They are at again this month with the 12 Days of Tacos, Dec. 3-20 (Mondays-Thursdays). Each time you order one of the specials, you can vote for one of 12 nonprofits, including Bike Walk Savannah. The nonprofit with the most votes after 12 days will receive the December donation.

Let’s eat some tacos! More information is available on the Bull Street Taco website and Facebook page.

The Savannah Bicycle Campaign is now Bike Walk Savannah

On Nov. 29, 2018, the Savannah Bicycle Campaign became Bike Walk Savannah. It’s a change we’ve been discussing for some time now, and our board of directors approved it earlier this year, along with new mission and vision statements:

The mission of Bike Walk Savannah is to promote people-powered mobility and work toward an equitable environment for walking and biking in Savannah. We seek to redefine our city as a place for people, no matter their mode of transportation.

Our vision is a connected, safe, and vibrant city with welcoming places to bike and walk.

The new name, mission, and vision do not indicate a radical change in the purpose of our organization. Rather, they reflect the work we’ve been doing for many years. They also more clearly define our goals for the future. We were founded in 2008 as an advocacy organization to encourage bicycling and improve our bicycle infrastructure, but our work for safer streets and a healthier community has always been about more than bikes.

Through our efforts we’ve confirmed that making streets safe and accommodating for people who ride bikes makes them safer for people who walk. And safer for people who use wheelchairs. And safer for people who use transit. And safer for people who drive, as well. As an organization we have never been exclusively concerned with bicycle-only infrastructure and have worked hand-in-hand with other nonprofits, government agencies, businesses, and neighborhood associations to improve walking and transit in our city.

As Bike Walk Savannah, we are committed to:

  • Expanding mobility options for people of all ages, abilities, backgrounds, and incomes
  • Making our streets safe for everyone, no matter how they travel
  • Improving neighborhood connectivity and access to goods and services, recreational facilities, and green space
  • Ensuring our public spaces are useful and welcoming to all
  • Preserving our irreplaceable historic places and precious coastal environment
  • Preparing our city to be more prosperous, healthy, appealing, sustainable, and equitable in the future

We will act on these commitments by:

  • Advocating for more and better sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, transit, traffic calming, Complete Streets, and other infrastructure and service improvements
  • Producing safety and public information programs aimed at people who walk, people who ride bikes, people who use other transportation devices, and people who drive
  • Encouraging people to make walking, biking, and active transportation healthy parts of their daily lives
  • Organizing biking, walking and other events through which residents can explore our community and meet their neighbors
  • Offering consultation and guidance to local governments, businesses, schools, universities, and other institutions on ways to improve safety and accessibility to their customers, clients, or students
  • Collaborating with other nonprofits, civic organizations, neighborhood associations, and government agencies — and celebrating our successes together
  • Providing reliable bicycles and safety equipment to people in need through our New Standard Cycles program

Through these efforts we will make Savannah a place where:

  • People can travel to workplaces, schools, stores, healthcare facilities, service providers, cultural and entertainment venues, and other important destinations in comfort and with dignity — no matter how they get there
  • People feel safe walking, biking, pushing strollers, using wheelchairs and walkers, going for for a run, or catching the bus in all areas of the community
  • People have access to parks, trails, and recreational facilities no matter what neighborhood they live in, so that healthy activity is just outside their front doors
  • People are empowered, informed, and engaged in planning and implementation of better programs, policies, and infrastructure projects
  • People from all over the world come to study our city as a model for multimodal mobility, community connectivity, cultural vibrancy, economic opportunity, civic engagement, and environmental sustainability

We are unwavering in our belief that bicycles make Savannah better, but hope our new name will better represent the inclusive nature of our mission and vision, and inspire more people to become involved. We invite you to join our people-powered movement!















Holiday Bike Drive drop off at Wilmington Island Farmers Market rescheduled to Dec. 8

UPDATE: Due to rain the the bike drop off has been postponed until Dec. 8. If you would like to drop off a bike for the Holiday Bike Drive before then, you can take it to Quality Bike Shop during business hours our bring it to the Bike Walk Savannah office (1301 Lincoln St.) on Thursdays from 7-9:30 p.m., Sundays from 2-4:30 p.m. or by appointment by contacting Henry Rocha.


Savannah, Ga. (Nov. 27, 2018) – The Wilmington Island Farmers’ Market will partner with the Savannah Bicycle Campaign to collect gently used bicycles for the 2018 Holiday Bike Drive. Bicycle donations will be accepted on Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the entrance to the market, which takes place at 170 Whitemarsh Island Road on the grounds of Islands High School.

Bicycles can also be dropped off at Quality Bike Shop, located at 1127 East Montgomery Crossroads, during business hours and the Savannah Bicycle Campaign headquarters, located at 1301 Lincoln Street, on Thursdays from 7- 9:30 p.m. and Sundays from 2 – 4:30 p.m.

“We have a limited amount of time to refurbish bikes, so badly damaged bikes cannot be accepted,” Executive Director of Savannah Bicycle Campaign John Bennett explains. “We can handle a little bit of dust but not lots of rust.”

In keeping with the mission of the Savannah Bicycle Campaign’s New Standard Cycles program, each of the donated bicycles will be thoroughly restored by volunteers before they are presented to deserving children on December 16 as both a Christmas gift and healthy mode of transportation.

The recipients will be hand-selected by Blessings in a Book Bag, Inc. — a nonprofit that provides impoverished school children with weekend meals and supplemental academic resources. Children will also receive a complimentary bike helmet from the Heads in Helmets campaign of the Justice for Children Foundation —  a nonprofit foundation founded by Savannah attorney Howard Spiva.

Last year, the Wilmington Island Farmers’ Market collected nearly 40 children’s bicycles for the Holiday Bike Drive and hopes to surpass that amount this year with donations from Wilmington and Whitemarsh Island residents.

“Through partnerships with other local nonprofit organizations, the market can truly bring our community together through giving, so we hope to see dozens of bicycles coming into the market on Saturday,” Wilmington Island Farmers’ Market Founder and Event Coordinator Debby McIncrow says.

The Wilmington Island Farmers’ Market will showcase a wide variety of regional food and artisan vendors and offer family-friendly activities and live entertainment from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Big Bon Pizza will serve their delicious wood-fired pizzas from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Children can enjoy free pony rides and spend time with Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and their elves. Steel the Show’s Melvin Dean will perform and the Gretchen Greene School of Dance company dancers will thoroughly entertain guests as they bring to life classic holiday songs. The market is free and open to the public.

For questions about the 2018 Holiday Bike Drive, please email Photos of bicycles being considered for donation can be evaluated via email, and owners will be notified if their bicycles can be refurbished and given to a deserving child this Christmas.

To see a detailed event schedule, please visit


Media may contact Lauren Ashley at 912.663.3790 or for additional event information and post-event photo/video requests. Executive Director of Savannah Bicycle Campaign John Bennett will be available for interviews at the market throughout the day’s donation drive.


The Wilmington Island Farmers’ Market (WIFM) is a nonprofit organization that provides Wilmington Island and adjacent islands’ residents with locally grown produce, baked goods, natural skincare solutions and a variety of artisan creations. Since its establishment in 2012, the WIFM has grown and impacted the community through partnerships with local businesses and other nonprofit organizations. WIFM is a beloved seasonal favorite for the wholesome fun it offers against the backdrop of the beautiful Whitemarsh and Wilmington Islands. For more information, visit

News Cycle: Greenways & Greenbacks: Economy, health are both beneficiaries

News Cycle: Greenways & Greenbacks: Economy, health are both beneficiaries

Originally published in Connect Savannah on November 21, 2018.

Cyclists following the route of the East Coast Greenway comprised most of the customers at the Creative Catering restaurant in Woodbine last Tuesday, illustrating the significant economic benefit bicycle tourism can bring to Coastal Georgia. - PHOTO BY BRENT BUICE
Cyclists following the route of the East Coast Greenway comprised most of the customers at the Creative Catering restaurant in Woodbine last Tuesday, illustrating the significant economic benefit bicycle tourism can bring to Coastal Georgia. – PHOTO BY BRENT BUICE

“IT’S THE kind of place you’d drive right by in a car and not see unless you were really low on gas.”

That’s the way Lisa Watts described the tiny convenience store at a crossroads north of Woodbine in Camden County. The good news for the proprietor is that she did stop. And so did dozens of folks from around the country traveling with her.

Watts, communications manager for the East Coast Greenway Alliance, was one of 45 people who rode their bicycles from Savannah to Titusville, Fla. last week on the alliances’ “Week a Year Tour,” an annual fundraising ride.

“At least 30 of us stopped to buy cold drinks and snacks,” she said.

That particular convenience store was not the only beneficiary of spending power on two wheels. Creative Catering café in Woodbine also received a visit.

“It was the only place open in the downtown area and we loved the air conditioning as much as anything. While it seemed we were overwhelming the small restaurant, the staff handled it well and the locals were very friendly,” she said.

“In general, we have found Georgians to be kind and receptive and curious.”

Click here to read the full article in Connect Savannah. 


Savannah Bicycle Campaign invites community to participate in Sixth Annual Savannah Cranksgiving on Saturday, Nov. 17



For Immediate Release

Nov. 12, 2018 Savannah, Ga. — The Savannah Bicycle Campaign’s fourth annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 17. Cranksgiving is bicycle-powered food drive benefitting Emmaus House. Founded in 1982 by a group of downtown churches, Emmaus House provides food and day services to the homeless and needy of Savannah. Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, fifty weeks each year.

Registration for the ride starts at 1 p.m. at the Savannah Bicycle Campaign office at 1301 Lincoln St. (Corner of Henry and Lincoln streets). At registration, participants will receive a shopping list of items needed by Emmaus House. The challenge begins at 1:30 p.m. when riders roll out to shop by bike. Participants will buy items from the shopping list without going over $15-20 price limit. Riders may compete by themselves or on teams. Prizes in the following categories: Most Items Carried by a Single Person, Most Stores Visited, Best Team Effort, and Most Innovative Cargo Rig.

“Cranksgiving is an awesome opportunity for the community to not only promote environmentally conscious transportation alternatives, but also spread awareness about the painful underbelly of this beautiful city,” said Emmaus House Executive Director Ariana Berksteiner. “We are grateful for the Savannah Bike Campaign and our partnership with them in giving our neighbors a hand up.”

“It’s an honor to assist Emmaus House in their mission of helping people in need again this year.” said Savannah Bicycle Campaign Executive Director John Bennett. “Cranksgiving also serves as a reminder that thousands of people walk and ride their bikes to grocery stores every day in Savannah. They need safe streets, sidewalks, and bike lanes to help them make these and other trips to important destinations.”

About Cranksgiving: Cranksgiving started in New York City in 1999, and there are now nearly 80 independently organized events across the globe. The event has its roots in bike messenger alleycat races, but there are no requirements other than “get food” and “do it on a bike. This year Cranksgiving celebrates its 20th Anniversary.

About the Savannah Bicycle Campaign: The Savannah Bicycle Campaign is a nonprofit organization committed to cultivating a livable, connected and safe community through public education, fun rides and consistent advocacy for improved facilities and enforcement in Chatham County and throughout Georgia. The Savannah Bicycle Campaign aims to empower residents an