How to Cross Railroad Tracks on a Bike

If you ride your bike in downtown Savannah, you’ve definitely come across some railroad tracks! Here’s how to cross them safely so your ride continues without a hitch.

  1. Slow down and come to a complete stop if the crossing is un-signalized.
  2. If the crossing is signalized, reduce your speed and still look both ways.
  3. Always cross at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your tires run perpendicular with the tracks.
  4. Take extra precaution when the tracks are wet, as there is less traction for your wheels.
  5. While crossing, stand on your bike pedals out of the saddle. Keep them level (feet at three and nine on the clock) as you smoothly coast across the tracks and keep your knees and elbows loosely bent — it’ll help you keep your balance and absorb shock.
  6. Never cross when the lights are flashing and the arm is down, or if you see a train coming. Railroad lights and the arm are designed for your safety.

Small tires — like on bicycles, wheelchairs, skateboards or skates – can become stuck when in-street tracks are crossed at too low an

Learn more tips on our Resources Page.

This blog post is produced thanks to support from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

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