Join us for our monthly social tonight, from Baldwin Park to Cafe Gelatohhh (or just meet us there!). Meet your friends and other great folks, and learn about upcoming events and activities for, with and by the Campaign!
Who: All the people who love this late spring weather, bikes and tasty treats.
What: Monthly social – ride with us or meet up. 10% off Cafe Gelatohhh’s all natural and organic frozen treats.
When: Ride, Tues 6/19 5:30pm. Arrive @ Cafe Gelatohh 6:30.
Where: Ride begins at Baldwin Park (E 41st and Atlantic).
Social, Cafe Gelatohh in City Market on Ellis Square
Why: It’s getting warmer out there. Take a ride and then cool off with us
*If you’d rather, of course get yourself a beverage in City Market while we’re there.