Contact your legislators: 3 feet for passing

We hear all the time about folks who get buzzed and knocked off their bikes, scared, or much worse, seriously injured or killed.  Despite what many Georgia cyclists believe, state law makes no specific statements about how cars should pass bicycles.  The portion of the code that refers to passing (40-6-42) says only

(1) The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle;

noting of course that bicycles are vehicles under the law.  16 other states have laws that apply a 3 foot safe passing distance for cars passing bicycles, which works as an educational tool for drivers and a standard for enforcement (how close is too close?  “I didn’t hit him — he just fell down after I passed”).  Based on Georgia numbers from 2004-2006, more than half (55%) of recorded deaths from car vs bicycle crashes occurred when the car and bicycle were travelling in the same direction — speeds tend to be higher and injuries more severe, highlighting the need for education and enforcement of a safe passing distance.

Georgia is now one of 7 additional states with a proposed 3 foot passing law:  HB 988 was introduced in the Georgia House of Representatives by Wendell Willard of Roswell, and we need you to contact your State Representative to make sure it becomes lawFollow this link to find your State Representative.  Two clicks later (click the name and then contact website), you should be able to find an email and phone number for your representative.  Some facts have been assembled by advocates statewide as part of the new Georgia Bikes Alliance, sister organization to Georgia Bikes!, and this file includes the relevant details that spell out the need for this legislation.  Contact your legislators and ask them to cosponsor HB 988 to make Georgia safer for bicycles.