Ride to City Hall on March 20, show support for cycling in Savannah

cityhallOver the last six years we’ve worked cooperatively with the City of Savannah to expand our bicycle infrastructure network, organize cycling events, and earn Bicycle Friendly Community status from the League of American Bicyclists.

On Thursday, March 20 at noon we’ll ride to City Hall to thank city leaders for helping to make Savannah better for bicycles, and encourage them to do more to make our city safer, friendly and more convenient for people who ride bikes.

Meet us at Ellis Square for a short ride to City Hall, where we’ll hear remarks from city officials. If you don’t have a bike handy, you can rent a CAT Bike from the Ellis Square bike share station. Lunch will be served at City Hall and this event will serve as our Cycle Social event for March. Please let us know you plan to attend by joining the Facebook event or emailing info@bicyclecampaign.org

This event is being held during the same week as the annual Ride to the Capitol in Atlanta and rides to city halls around the state. Let’s show our bicycling friends throughout Georgia that Savannah is serious about cycling.


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