During this National Bike Month, apart from the events, new facilities and equipment arriving for bicycling here in Savannah, we celebrate new words. Words are as important as all of these other things, as they help us to understand and inspire.
On Friday’s National Bike to Work Day 2Wheels 2Work bike convoy, we were joined by an impassioned public servant in Patrick Shay, who in solidarity delivered a helmeted speech on bicycles and their relationship to spewing gulf oil, and how our small actions can change that situation, the full and slightly shaky version of which is below.
“It’s not about changing the world all at once, it’s about changing our individual actions.”
Campaigners, you are the forefront of at least part of the solution. Join us in celebrating these words and in making them into deeds, each small individual choice putting pressure on the system to change and ultimately creating the transformation we seek: the Age of Bicycles in Savannah.
To usher in that age, and now further armed with staff to carry out this mission, Savannah Bicycle Campaign announces another change. The change is again in words, and in a meaningful way. Our present tagline, Making Savannah Better for Bicycles, while true, focuses too much on us and what we aim to do. Therefore, in a change we think that focuses on the truth of what we hope to accomplish, the truth of our movement, and the transformative power of bicycles, we move to a new tagline, the title of this article: Bicycles Make Savannah Better.
And therefore, during this National Bike Month, ask first what bicycles can do for Savannah. Ask next what you can do with your Savannah Bicycle Campaign to bring it about.